
What is an Eco-Museum?

Since 1970s, Eco-Museum concept has been developed by museologist from France named Georges Henri Rivière and Huegue de Varine. Eco-Museum is a kind of museum concept where heritage conversation done based on in situ conservation that is conservation executed in its origin. Therefore, sometimes Eco-Museum is called “museum without walls”. According to Ohara (1998), eco-museum are:

  1. Heritage conservation: nature, culture, and local traditional industry;
  2. Community participation in the management and operational for their future;
  3. The basic activity of the museum: collection, preservation, study, exhibition, and education.

Moreover, Eco-museum is also a community museum. This matter shows that local community has important role in Eco-Museum implementation. Community engagement can be practiced in the form of Natural and Cultural Heritage conservation and management. Not only in conservation and management heritage assets, local community also learns the values of their heritage assets. Nowadays, there are hundreds of Eco-museum operated all over the world. Among those museums, approximately 200 eco-museums located in Europe distributed in several countries that are France, Italy, Spain, and Poland.



Sejak tahun 1970an, konsep Eco-Museum mulai dikembangkan oleh ahli museum asal perancis yang bernama Georges Henri Rivière dan Huegue de Varine. Eco-Museum merupakan sebuah konsep museum dimana pelestarian pusaka  dilakukan secara in situ, yaitu pelestarian dilakukan dalam habitat aslinya. Maka dari itu, Eco-Museum sering disebut sebagai “museum tak berdinding.” Sedangkan, eco-museum menurut Ohara (1998) adalah

  1. Pelestarian Pusaka: alam, budaya, dan industri tradisi lokal;
  2. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan operasional demi masa depan mereka sendiri;
  3. Aktivitas dasar museum:. koleksi, reservasi, studi, pameran, dan pendidikan.

Eco-Museum juga merupakan sebuah museum komunitas. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat setempat merupakan bagian yang penting dalam penerapan konsep Eco-Museum ini. Pelibatan masyarakat dapat berupa pelestarian dan pengelolaan Pusaka Alam maupun Budaya. Tidak hanya melakukan pelestarian dan pengelolaan aset pusaka, masyarakat setempat juga mempelajari nilai-nilai yang dimiliki aset pusaka tersebut. Saat ini, terdapat ratusan Eco-museum yang sudah beroperasi, sekitar 200 di antaranya beroperasi di Eropa tersebar di beberapa negara seperti Prancis, Itali, Spanyol dan Polandia.

